The paper studies the influence of polyalcohols JLX on the properties of polymer drilling fluid such as anti-sloughing, lubricity, rheology, loss and resistance against contamination in the lab. 室内评价了聚合醇处理剂对聚合物钻井液防塌润滑性能、流变性、失水造壁性及抗污染能力的影响。
In polymer dynamic rheology measurement, using Electronic Balance SB8001 can reach the high request to weigh the extruded products instantly. 在“聚合物动态流变综合测试仪”研制过程中,对挤出物的重量测量有较高的要求。
Development, principle and application of macromolecule polymer rheology 高聚物流变学的原理、发展及应用
Based on the relative theory of polymer rheology and hydromechanics, the mechanisms of wall slip and surface tension on micro channels are analyzed thoroughly, and two kinds of wall slip boundary conditions are imported according to different mechanisms. 依据聚合物流变学及流体力学的相关理论,深入分析了微小通道中壁面滑移和表面张力的作用机理,并根据不同的作用机理,确定了两种滑移边界条件。
Man-made cores are used to test core-shearing, rheology cures of sheared polymer solutions are tested and rheology properties analyzed by comparison. 用人造岩芯进行了岩芯剪切实验,测试了剪切后的聚合物溶液各自的流变曲线并进行了对比分析。
Application of similarity rule and dimensional analysis in high polymer rheology 相似准则和量纲分析在高聚物流变学中的应用
The polymer structural rheology studies the relations of rheological properties with long chain structure of polymers. 高分子结构流变学研究流变性质与长链高分子结构的关系。
Beyond the melting temperature, the polymer is gelatinous, and it is very difficult to measure the flow rate, so if we want to process the UHMWPE with the common equipment for PE we sho-uld improve the rheology. 在熔融温度以上处于凝胶状态,熔体流动速率一般不易测定,因此要用加工普通PE的设备加工UHMWPE,需要对其进行流动改性。
Polymer Melt Rheology in Injection Molding 4. Elasticity and Characterization of Melts 聚合物熔体注模流变学Ⅳ.熔体的弹性及其表征
The preparation and formulation of PP/ HDPE/ SBS ( styrene-butadiene-styrene ternary block copolymer) ternary polymer alloy was introduced, and the influences of processing technology on material mechanical and rheology properties were developed. 介绍了PP/HDPE/SBS(苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯三元嵌段共聚物)三元高分子合金的制备及其组成,研究了加工工艺对材料力学性能与流变性能的影响。
The salt-resistance polymer with medium-low molecular weight also has good rheology, viscoelasticity and oil sweeping efficiency, so, it will be used more widely in future. 此外,中、低分子抗盐聚合物还表现出了良好的流变性、粘弹性以及驱油效果,具有良好的应用前景。
And the effect of salinity on the rheological characteristics of polymer solution was researched. Through matching rheological curve, the rheology parameters are calculated, the higher the salinity is, the smaller the consistency coefficient is, and the bigger the power law index is. 且通过流变曲线拟合,得出矿化度对聚合物溶液流变性影响表现为,矿化度越高,幂律指数越大,稠度系数越小。
The advances in studies on the phase behavior of multi-component polymer systems by such dynamic rheology methods as Hah plot, Cole-Cole plot, breakdown of TTS and G ′~ T plot were reviewed in this paper. 本文综述了用Han曲线、ColeCole曲线、时温叠加失效和G′~T曲线等动态流变学方法对多组分聚合物体系相行为的研究进展。
Polymer solution rheology experiment showed that the rheology of polymer solution used in Daqing Oilfield obeyed power law pattern. 室内试验测试表明,大庆油田应用的聚合物溶液服从幂律模式。
The theory and concepts of physical chemistry of polymer rheology were applied to modelling the propellant properties. 应用聚合物流变学的理论与概念来模拟推进剂特性。
Based on theory of gear driving, fluid mechanics, hydrodynamic lubrication, polymer rheology and single screw extrusion, key structure design principles in melt pump are summarized, some theory foundations are also deduced. 结合齿轮传动、动力润滑、流体力学、高聚物加工流变学以及单螺杆挤出理论的部分知识对熔体泵结构设计中的主要问题进行了总结,并对其中部分理论依据进行了推导。
The paper researches some problems in study precise extrusion mechanism of polymer from mathematical modeling of extrusion processing and rheology of polymer material and system control by holistic ideology principle of dialectical materialism. 用辩证唯物主义的整体性思维原理,从挤出过程的数学模型、高分子材料流变学和挤出过程的系统控制角度,对高聚物精密挤出机理研究中的一些问题进行了研究。
The novel polymer was studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC), nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR) and rheology measurements. 通过示差扫描量热法(DSC)、核磁共振波谱法(NMR)和流变学的方法对新型聚合物进行了表征。
According to the investigation actuality of the basic theory study on polymer flooding, some problems with rheology in the process of polymer flooding, percolation in porous media and mechanism of oil displacement are studied systematically. 本文在国内外有关聚合物驱基础理论文献的基础上,对聚合物驱油过程中的流变学、渗流力学和提高采收率机理等方面内容进行了系统的研究。
The mathematical model and numerical method for the simulation of both viscous and viscoelastic characteristics of polymer melts in the study are of great interest to enrich the theory of computational rheology. 本文针对挤出加工流场中聚合物熔体非牛顿粘性和弹性流动特点所建立的数学模型以及所构造的稳定数值计算方法,对于丰富计算流变学具有一定的理论意义。
Rheological experiments show that this novel hydrophobic association water-soluble polymer has a special rheology. 流变实验表明,这种新型的疏水缔合水溶性聚合物具有特殊的流变性。
It is shown by result of field application that the polymer has a unconspicuous influence on the rheology of drilling fluid and good performance on filtrate control and compatibility. 现场实验结果表明,该共聚物降滤失剂的降滤失效果显著,配伍性好,对钻井液体系的流变性影响较小。